The Marklund Day School is a non-public state-certified school located in Bloomingdale and Elgin, Illinois, that provides a highly specialized education experience for students ages 3-21 with multiple disabilities.
Marklund achieves this in a variety of ways:
Comprehensive approach: Through a collaborative team of teachers, therapists, parents/guardians, and school district representatives, Marklund focuses on academic, cognitive, communication,
gross-motor and fine-motor-skills.
Nursing staff: Marklund Day School can accommodate students with complex medical needs by integrating highly qualified nursing staff into the program.
Individualized curriculum: Students follow a complete and individualized curriculum tied to Illinois Learning Standards, Common Core Essential Elements, and IEP (Individualized Education Plan) goals. Courses offered to our students are aligned to the general education course offerings. Functional life skills and vocational training are integrated into students’ daily lessons.
Technology: Assistive adaptive technology, including individualized iPads and voice-output switches,
which are used to encourage communication.
Sensory-integrated program: Each classroom provides sensory-integrated programming with a focus on self-regulation to support an engaging learning environment. In addition, tactile strategies and Snoezelen therapy rooms support students with visual and/or hearing impairments.
Community outings: As students participate in community outings, they have the opportunity to apply generalized skills and interact with individuals outside of the school setting.
Providing a full 5½ hour day during both our regular year and summer school programs, which together span 12 months, the Marklund Day School promotes continuous learning momentum across the seasons. View our 2017-18 School Calendar.
The student’s home school district pays for tuition and transportation.
Contact: Paula Bodzioch, Director of Education, 630-397-5684.